To check that your SE is working, open the console after launching the game and type ‘GetNVSEVersion.’ It should print back ‘NVSE version:1,’ which indicates it is working correctly.
It does not modify the disk’s executable files, and there are no permanent effects from using the script extender. NVSE is a modding resource that expands upon the base game’s scripting capabilities. New Vegas Script ExtenderĮnhanced Camera mod is a plugin for NVSE therefore, you will need to download NVSE at v3 beta 2 or higher to run it. This mod also enables shadows for players and bodies, which were not present in the vanilla game. For a fully immersive experience, the Enhanced Camera mod overwrites this function to keep those perspectives in the first person. Whether you play in first-person or not, New Vegas will force the third-person POV on players in instances like knocking on doors, dying, or even sitting down.